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Some beautiful new GAN results have just been published, so let's have a quick look at the pretty pictures.

More AI Safety coming soon of course.

With apologies to Károly Zsolnai-Fehér, and thanks to Jason Hise, who would have been the inspiration for this one if he were a little faster - he sent me a link to the paper a few hours after I'd started working on the video :)


AI learns to Create ̵K̵Z̵F̵ ̵V̵i̵d̵e̵o̵s̵ Cat Pictures: Papers in Two Minutes #1

Some beautiful new GAN results have been published, so let's have a quick look at the pretty pictures. More AI Safety coming soon of course. With apologies to Two Minute Papers: https://www.youtube.com/user/keeroyz The Computerphile video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw9r8CL98N0 The Paper "Unsupervised Representation Learning With Deep Convolutional GANs": https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.06434.pdf The Paper "Progressive Growing Of Gans For Improved Quality, Stability, And Variation": http://research.nvidia.com/sites/default/files/pubs/2017-10_Progressive-Growing-of//karras2017gan-paper.pdf The AMAZING video for that paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOxxPcy5Gr4 With thanks to my excellent Patreon supporters: https://www.patreon.com/robertskmiles Steef Sara Tjäder Jason Strack Chad Jones Stefan Skiles Katie Byrne Ziyang Liu Jordan Medina Kyle Scott Jason Hise David Rasmussen Heavy Empty James McCuen Richárd Nagyfi Ammar Mousali Scott Zockoll Charles Miller Joshua Richardson Jonatan R Michael Greve robertvanduursen The Guru Of Vision Fabrizio Pisani Alexander Hartvig Nielsen Volodymyr David Tjäder Paul Mason Ben Scanlon Julius Brash Mike Bird Taylor Winning Ville Ahlgren Roman Nekhoroshev Peggy Youell Konsta William Hendley Almighty Dodd DGJono Matthias Meger Scott Stevens Michael Ore Robert Bridges Dmitri Afanasjev Brian Sandberg Einar Ueland Lo Rez Stephen Paul Marcel Ward Andrew Weir Pontus Carlsson Taylor Smith Ben Archer Ivan Pochesnev Scott McCarthy Kabs Kabs Kabs Kabs Phil Christopher Askin Tendayi Mawushe Gabriel Behm Anne Kohlbrenner Jake Fish Filip Bjorn Nyblad Stefan Laurie Tom O'Connor pmilian Jussi Männistö Cameron Kinsel Matanya Loewenthal Wr4thon Dave Tapley Archy de Berker https://www.patreon.com/robertskmiles



Yup, following both of you guys already. Its funny how little information there is once you get to the latest stuff. Thats why I was somewhat disappointed with 2b1b with their great video on ai... 2 years late


I enjoy the visuals. They bring the research to life and help me remember it. 2 Minute Papers also hypes up the field by regularly repeating ideas like "look how far we've come and how quickly", "imagine where we will go from here", and just "this is truly amazing." There is a strong emotional component to the episode design, in case you wanted to borrow just a little more or a little . ;-)