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Every week I read the Alignment Newsletter (https://rohinshah.com/alignment-newsletter/) as a way to keep up with what's going on in AI Safety research. I figured, if I'm going to be reading this thing anyway, I may as well read it out loud and publish that, so I've set up the Alignment Newsletter Podcast, which is just me reading out the newsletter, usually taking about 15 minutes. It's aimed at researchers, so sometimes it's a bit technical, but it's usually pretty approachable.

If you're interested, check out http://alignment-newsletter.libsyn.com/ or point your podcast app at http://alignment-newsletter.libsyn.com/rss

As ever, feedback is very welcome!


Alignment Newsletter Podcast

The Alignment Newsletter is a weekly publication with recent content relevant to AI alignment. This podcast is an audio version, recorded by Robert Miles (http://robertskmiles.com) More information about the newsletter at: https://rohinshah.com/alignment-newsletter/


Dylan Cope

Thanks for doing this! As someone who mostly only has time to consume information by audio this project is really great. I would love to see you adding some of your own commentary to these letters like you did in the video that you made. Although I understand that it would need to be done a little more cleanly which might take up too much of your time.


surprised the newsletter is not a podcast already maybe mention that to Roshah?