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Powerful AI systems can be dangerous in part because they pursue their goals as strongly as they can. Perhaps it would be safer to have systems that don't aim for perfection, and stop at 'good enough'. How could we build something like that?


[I keep doing these videos with animation, and it always takes forever...]


AI That Doesn't Try Too Hard - Maximizers and Satisficers

Powerful AI systems can be dangerous in part because they pursue their goals as strongly as they can. Perhaps it would be safer to have systems that don't aim for perfection, and stop at 'good enough'. How could we build something like that? Generating Fake YouTube comments with GPT-2: https://youtu.be/M6EXmoP5jX8 Computerphile Videos: Unicorn AI: https://youtu.be/89A4jGvaaKk More GPT-2, the 'writer' of Unicorn AI: https://youtu.be/p-6F4rhRYLQ AI Language Models & Transformers: https://youtu.be/rURRYI66E54 GPT-2: Why Didn't They Release It?: https://youtu.be/AJxLtdur5fc The Deadly Truth of General AI?: https://youtu.be/tcdVC4e6EV4 With thanks to my excellent Patreon supporters: https://www.patreon.com/robertskmiles Scott Worley Jordan Medina Simon Strandgaard JJ Hepboin Lupuleasa Ionuț Pedro A Ortega Said Polat Chris Canal Nicholas Kees Dupuis Jake Ehrlich Mark Hechim Kellen lask Francisco Tolmasky Michael Andregg Alexandru Dobre David Reid Robert Daniel Pickard Peter Rolf Chad Jones Truthdoc James Richárd Nagyfi Jason Hise Phil Moyer Shevis Johnson Alec Johnson Clemens Arbesser Ludwig Schubert Bryce Daifuku Allen Faure Eric James Jonatan R Ingvi Gautsson Michael Greve Julius Brash Tom O'Connor Erik de Bruijn Robin Green Laura Olds Jon Halliday Paul Hobbs Jeroen De Dauw Tim Neilson Eric Scammell Igor Keller Ben Glanton Robert Sokolowski anul kumar sinha Jérôme Frossard Sean Gibat Cooper Lawton Tyler Herrmann Tomas Sayder Ian Munro Jérôme Beaulieu Taras Bobrovytsky Anne Buit Tom Murphy Vaskó Richárd Sebastian Birjoveanu Gladamas Sylvain Chevalier DGJono Dmitri Afanasjev Brian Sandberg Marcel Ward Andrew Weir Ben Archer Scott McCarthy Kabs Miłosz Wierzbicki Tendayi Mawushe Jannik Olbrich Anne Kohlbrenner Jussi Männistö Mr Fantastic Wr4thon Martin Ottosen Archy de Berker Marc Pauly Joshua Pratt Andy Kobre Brian Gillespie Martin Wind Peggy Youell Poker Chen Kees Darko Sperac Truls Paul Moffat Anders Öhrt Marco Tiraboschi Michael Kuhinica Fraser Cain Robin Scharf Oren Milman John Rees Seth Brothwell Clark Mitchell Kasper Schnack Michael Hunter Klemen Slavic Patrick Henderson Long Nguyen Melisa Kostrzewski Hendrik Daniel Munter Graham Henry Volotat Duncan Orr Marin Aldimirov Bryan Egan James Fowkes Frame Problems Alan Bandurka Benjamin Hull Tatiana Ponomareva Aleksi Maunu Michael Bates Simon Pilkington Dion Gerald Bridger Steven Cope Marcos Alfredo Núñez Petr Smital Daniel Kokotajlo Fionn Yuchong Li Nathan Fish Diagon Parker Lund Russell schoen Andreas Blomqvist Bertalan Bodor David Morgan Ben Schultz Zannheim Daniel Eickhardt lyon549 HD https://www.patreon.com/robertskmiles



Wasn't a fan of this video, felt it lacked substance and authenticity. It felt like filler.


And I'm very tired of the paperclip maximizer story, because it will literally never happen. Why not talk of real world examples, like engagement optimizers (hint hint facebook)


So what’s the rules about ripping into idiot people that don’t know how to give proper feedback?


This community is small enough and awesome enough that I haven't yet felt the need for rules of any kind, and I'd like to keep it that way. If I were to introduce one, it would be "Be Excellent to Each Other"