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Patreon sure is annoying sometimes, my last post was saved as a draft for some reason instead of posting back on the 28th. No idea why.

Honestly, it was a simple post anyway saying I was gonna take a break for a week or so from writing because of writers block and invest myself in some stories and shit to reinvigorate the muse, Just logged on this morning to post and say I'd be getting back into the swing tonight and hammer back into things.

...So yeah sorry about that and seemingly going awol, my post just didn't go through properly apparently.

I've been annoyingly invested in Game of Thrones fanfics over the past week, trying to get one that would just scratch that itch, but none really did. A few were decent, but none really hit home.

...Probably doesn't help that I can't stand Sansa, Tyron, Arya, Sam or Bran anymore after the shit show that was season 8.

Also, before anyone asks, no I'm not writing a GoT fanfic.

Anyway, yeah I'll be back to form starting tonight, sorry again.



There is a pretty good ASOIAF(book version of GoT) and Avatar: The Last Air Bender fic that has Jon Snow as the avatar. It has 229,027 words and is called Avatar: Song of Ice and Fire. I would highly recommend it. It’s pretty good. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26123557/chapters/63548149


A Solider Adrift: Captain Westeros is another good crossover fic that’s about Captain America being sent to Westeros.


Can’t wait for the chapters.