Corrin x Lucina / Pack x 15 Ver. (Patreon)
Hey people, greetings... (〃^▽^〃)
So apparently old Mr. Winter is already making his move.
{{ ( Ò﹏Ó ) }} Brrrrrr...
(Nothing too crazy I though, here is not Canada or Russia, but I am a creature of interiors, so yeah, I suffer more than other more resilient beings).
But I have not lost the battle, I have my own way to beat the weather.
The trick is to think of warm things... ( ノ´ ヮ` )ノ * : ・゚
Yeah, a couple of pretty girls, very close to each other...♥
Enjoying the sun and the beach, in their little bikinis... ♥ ♥ ♥
Damn I can already feel a warm feeling growing inside me.
Although thinking about it, some people say that one of the symptoms of hypothermia is the sensation of heat when frozen.
Hmm, now I do not know what to think ... ( ̄□ ̄lll)
Meh, whatever. If you feel the need to help, please send some kawaii rescue dogs and saws to amputate my frozen limbs...
Oh and some ecchi mangas to hang out with... ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
We'll see you soon...!