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Hey people, greetings... (〃^▽^〃) 

So apparently old Mr. Winter is already making his move.

  {{ (   Ò﹏Ó ) }} Brrrrrr...

(Nothing too crazy I though, here is not Canada or Russia, but I am a creature of interiors, so yeah, I suffer more than other more resilient beings).

But I have not lost the battle, I have my own way to beat the weather.

The trick is to think of warm things... ( ノ´  ヮ`  )ノ * : ・゚ 

Yeah, a couple of pretty girls, very close to each other...♥

Enjoying the sun and the beach, in their little bikinis... ♥ ♥ ♥

Damn I can already feel a warm feeling growing inside me.


Although thinking about it, some people say that one of the symptoms of hypothermia is the sensation of heat when frozen.

Hmm, now I do not know what to think ... ( ̄□ ̄lll) 

Meh, whatever. If you feel the need to help, please send some kawaii rescue dogs and saws to amputate my frozen limbs...

Oh and some ecchi mangas to hang out with... ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ 

We'll see you soon...!




Very nice ^^ Are Lucina's hands tied behind her back?


Yeah, maybe it looks a bit strange, but in the pack the strings are visible and everything makes more sense. I'm glad you liked it...:D

Renegade Doge

Very nice Virus ^_^ keep thinking of cute girls and stay warm!


I'll do that, comrade...! There is no other option...:B


Hello, I'm a new here. Just one question : Why Rar files can't open ? Is it by code or is it erased ?


Hey greetings..:D Welcome...! Do you have problems downloading the file or do you have problems unzipping it? I've already checked the file and it seems fine. I'm not an expert with these things but could it be because you're too new here? Try downloading any other file to verify that the error is not in this specific file. I compressed it using Winrar, maybe you use 7-zip or another similar program?