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"H" Review... ( ノ〃^▽^〃)ノ *clap* *clap*

The new section in which I recommend "H" material personally curated and approved by myself...!

On this occasion I have the pleasure of recommending the work of one of my favorite artists of all time, Kuroinu Juu.

If you are a fan of Sailor Moon and you enjoy reading Doujinshis about  these beautiful, long-legged sexy girls then it is very likely that you have already met Mr. Black Dog in the past.

His works are almost obsessively focused on the Sailor Scouts and some of their unfortunate acquaintances.

His specialty consists of an entertaining and light narrative, with many splashes of comedy with nice timing and of course rape.

Wait a minute... rape...? that's a bad thing, isn't it...?

Yeah, rape = bad. But in the narrative style of Kuroinu Sensei the shocking essence of rape is subdued  because in a certain way the "natural instincts" of the Sailor Scouts make them particularly susceptible to the forcefull advances of middle-aged men and tentacular monsters.

"Consensual rape" is a slippery term to use under any context, but I consider that Kuroinu Sensei's work is the closest to this term.

You would probably have to give one of his works a chance to understand what this is all about.

Now, not everything is happiness in the paradise for middle-aged men and tentacular monsters, unfortunately Mr. Black Dog is human (We assume that) and like all human beings he doesn't escape from having some  flaws in his work. At the moment I can only point out two details in his works that could make some of you not have the same level of appreciation that I have for Kuroinu Juu and his perverted world of ultra thin, big oppai sailor girls.

1.- His stories and narrative structures are extremely repetitive, if you have already read more than 5 of their books, you will immediately begin to notice reused patterns and ideas over and over again, although, I would not say that this is something completely bad since He is one of those lucky artists who has already found his formula and simply tries to stick to it, something like Coke or the krabby patty secret formula.

If it is not broke, do not fix it.

2.- Some people think that his drawing style is a bit outdated and that could be true, but I prefer the term "old school", unfortunately due to the lack of available information I cannot confirm if Sensei is as old as his style looks or if he is just someone who enjoys a minimalistic style with thick lines and a restricted range of tones to create his work.

Until new information arrives, I will be inclined to think the second.

So yeah, I really hope this little review has helped whet your appetite to consume some of Mr. Kuroinu's work.

If you have read some of his work, tell me which is your favorite.

For me personally, "Beach Boy" is his best work, since it is a perfect complement to "Peral Jam 1 and 2", Also, four Sailor Scouts on stage is definitely a feast for the eye.



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