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Hey comrades, the queen of 2D digital performers has finally arrived...!
\(^▽^)/   (╯✧▽✧)╯  \(≧▽≦)/  

I have to say, I love this girl a lot, but I really hate how long It  took me to finish her.

 (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥) ...

If any of you have ever given it a try to drawing or any other kind of creative project, you must have already experienced this situation in which the project is going really well, but you have already spent so much time looking at the same image that you end up tired of looking at the same thing for so long.

I have to point out that this project was dragged down due to 3 factors, the worst of them all, my terribly herratic real work.

It sucks how much my work situation has changed lately, I used to be a hermit that nobody visited and had all day free to draw. I guess they finally realized that they paid me to do practically nothing.

It's fair in a way, so I really can't complain... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

The second factor was that two very big national holidays got on my way (September 15/16, Mexico's independence day)

I can't lie, I had a great time those two days, lots of food, lots of drinks, so at least it wasn't a total waste of time... (¬‿¬ ) 

Third and the most exciting of them all, I finally bought a professional photography camera (The cheapest DSLR of them all, I have to say. The "Canon EOS T-100" Still a $ 400 USD camera though )...

I have to thank you all directly for this, since the camera was paid in full using money from my Commissions and Patreon. So thank you very much for this... \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ 

You can expect me to torture your eyes with some really bad pictures in the near future.

So yeah, thanks for keeping an eye on my work...!

I really do appreciate it...

See you soon with a new project... 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) 



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