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Hey comrades... ( ´ ∀ ` )ノ 

New PSD file...!

Man this file is a mess, I hope you don't have many problems surfing through it...XD

The situation was that the project involved a lot of variations between the outfits and the special effects.

In a way this reminded me of the short period of time I worked creating CGI scenes for a light novel game...

Yeah, an experience that I hope I don't have to repeat soon...


Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and that you can squeeze some fun out of this file...!

See you soon for the next new project... (・∀・)ノ 


Genie 2

MediaFire Pro: Faster bulk downloads, Ad free downloads, & 1 TB of storage. From $3.75/month. About Image Formats The two main groups of image types are raster and vector. Raster images like JPEG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, and PNG are composed of pixels and can develop a "blocky" quality as the image is made larger because each pixel becomes larger.


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