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Man, my love for drawing girls with extremely long and abundant hair always conflicts with my love for being a lazy piece of sh*t... 


Just kidding, I really love working hard... (ง ื▿ ื)ว 

But I also really love loitering when I have the chance... _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ 

My life is a constant whirlwind of incongruities... ┐( ´ д ` )┌ 




It's funny you mention Rias' hair, because I have a soft spot for girls with long hair. I love Rias' shockingly vibrant red hair more than her huge breasts :3


Yeah man, I totally understand what you mean...;D Some other girls for which I have a personal crush only because of the length of her hair. Miku Hatzune, Takara Miyuki, The long haired Haruhi from Suzumiya Haruhi no Shōshitsu...♥