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Project canceled due to multiple differences in the artistic vision between me and the client... ☆⌒(> _ <) 

It is very rare that I end up canceling a job, but unfortunately it is something that happens from time to time, part of the artistic process...

Still something interesting to see I guess...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Can you guess what was the reason for dropping this project...?




That poor girl's spine :3


Yeah, I guess it's pretty obvious...XD The conversation went like this: Me: Man that pose is impossible... Him: Do iT mAn, iT Will lOoK rEallY sExY. Me: *draws exactly what he wants* Him: WTF, THat's NoT a gOoD mAn, iT dOeSn't lOoK LiKe iN mY iMaGiNaTiOn...&gt;:V Me: (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻