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Hey comrades, here is the new PSD file.../( ̄▽ ̄)/

Thank you very much for being patient, that always helps a lot...!

So yeah, the month is ending and I sincerely believe that this has been one of the best production streaks we have had in a long time! At least in terms of content I mean. If everything goes on as until now I am completely sure that I will be able to finish the princess project and also squeeze another new project that will start tomorrow.

This time no spoilers, as it will be a special project...(☆ω☆) 

Man, I think I'm finally finding my rhythm for this year...!

<( ̄︶ ̄)> 

This has to be proof that in life you just need to keep punching up until you get out of your problems... (งಠ_ಠ)ง σ( •̀ ω •́ σ) 

But anyway, thank you very much for all the support so far.

Let's keep working hard...!


Trophy Girl - OC

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