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Hey people... ( ° ∀ ° )ノ゙ 

Today I bring you something totally new and perhaps interesting...!

Recently I was working on the design of this curious instrument.

It is originally supposed to be a fusion between the giant axe that Rory Mercury uses in the anime GATE + the Howa Type 64 rifle.

(I've never seen GATE, so I'm not particularly enlightened about the reasoning behind this project)...

 ┐( ´ д ` )┌ 

But anyway, In the extra images you can see thefull  evolution of the design process, from something that looks like a very bad CS: GO skin to a much more fantastic and elegant design.

So yeah, I hope you find it interesting...!

Now we return to our regular programming... ( • )( • )ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) 



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