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Hell yeah, the job is finally done... (╯^▽^)╯彡┻━┻ 

Boy this job surely took quite some time... _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ 

But as always, I am quite proud of not having taken shortcuts just to deliver the job sooner.

Personal policy, but I think it is always better to apologize for turning in a late job, than to have to apologize for turning in a poorly done job... 

I hope you all find my way to proceed kinf of reasonable... ┐( ´ д ` )┌  

But anyway, lots of other new jobs are on the horizon...!

So the best thing to do now is to  roll up our sleeves and prepare to give a good fight.

Thank you very much as always for being patient with me...!

See you very soon for something completely new...(・∀・)ノ 



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