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Hey guys, one more for the collection...!

Boy, working with this girl sure was a handful... (    •    )(    •    )ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

Pun totally intended...(¬‿¬ ) 

Anyway, I hope this does not attract a whole new wave of commissions of super massive breasted girls...  (    •    )(    •    )  (    •    )(    •    )  (    •    )(    •    )  (    •    )(    •    )  (°ロ°) ! 

Sometimes it happens that a single commission on a specific topic arouses the interest of the community.

For my part I am already completely satisfied, I have already had my good part of super massive tits for now.

Now it is time to start a new project and return to draw girls with just regular massive tits...!

Enjoy... ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 




She must of been a topless maid cause I don’t think anything would fit her 👀


Yup, you are right about that...! I cannot imagine a maid uniform capable of containing so much pressure.