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Hey people, so yeah, I'm finally back... (・∀・)ノ 

Thank you very, very much for being so patient with me.

I always feel that I can work comfortably and patiently thanks to all of  you, I hope you all enjoy the results of this project.

Personal opinion, I think she looks really amazing, but at the same time I also feel that I didn't go crazy enough with the change of coloring style and effects.

But in any case I am happy that I gave my best effort, but as always my critical vision doesn't allow me to be completely satisfied with the results.

Artist things, I think... ┐( ´ д ` )┌ 

But yeah, I hope this doesn't spoil your enjoyment of the scene.

I really hope you enjoy looking at her a lot... (^▽^)ノ 

Thank you as always for all your support...!


Neon Dream - OC

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