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Hey people, new quick Drawing...(・∀・)ノ

This time no references were used for the pose...!

I think that is quite noticeable since I returned immediately to my bad habits...┐( ´ д ` )┌

► Standing pose.

► No movement.

► No depth.

► 3/4 view of the face.

► Half body frame.

_:(x_x」 ∠):_

But still, I can notice some improvement in the overall consistency of the anatomy and composition.

┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Plus some minor improvement in production time...!

In general I think things are going great with this practice session...( ̄▽ ̄)b

BTW, about the scene...!

I'm pretty sure this scenario has already been played a million times before, but I've always wanted to draw Samus in a situation like this. So although it is not a very original image, It has a lot of heart behind it...♥

So yeah, I hope you enjoy it...( ° ∀ ° )ノ゙

See you very soon for something new...!




If this is is a result of "bad habits", keep it up!


Well, being more exact, I can't call them "bad habits" as their meaning implies....┐( ´ д ` )┌ They are more like an "easy route", things that I have well practiced and that I know I can push easily. So for a practice where I need to take on new challenges, this is not very useful. But I'm still glad to hear that you liked it...:D