Mega Mix 03 // Practice ( Page ) (Patreon)
► IMPORTANT: All practice pages and their sketches will be classified as exclusive content only accessible to supporters here on Patreon.
They will not be available on any free platform (Except for my Pixiv FanBox or any other future paid subscription platforms that I join)
I was recently thinking that I am not offering enough exclusive content for you all, so this is a good way to thank you for your direct support.
Hope you like the idea...!
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...(☞⌐■_■)☞
Hey people, so how about something like this...?
Spicy...( ಠ‿ಠ)b
So yeah, I really like how the page turned out...!
Nice inking and line variation, use of more solid black to give more weight to the page, speed lines and other effects to give more energy to the movements.
Kind of not so bad, I may say...┐( ´ д ` )┌?
Now I just need to find a way to push 10 of these plus a color cover each month and we'll be on our way to success.
Yeah, right ... only in my wildest dreams..._:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ zZZ
I need to keep practicing hard...ヾ( `ー´)シφ__