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Damn, yet another "quick practice" that takes a lot longer than it should...☆⌒(> _ <)

I really need to work on my bad habit of polishing things up too much. This kind of exercise is supposed to be messy and rough. My priority here is just to land the basic anatomy correctly and in the end tie everything down with a bit of cell shading.

Fast but nice and presentable at the same time...!

Well, at least this time I managed to get to flat colors in the same day ... Progress is progress, I suppose...

(ノ_<。)ヾ(´ ▽ ` )

Anyway, enjoy the nice view...!

It sure is something to stare at for a while...(ノ´ з `)ノ (       Y      )

Extra details:

*** Pose taken directly from a photograph.



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