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Hey guys...( ´ ∀ ` )ノ

Still trying to master the TV anime style...!

And still failing at it...( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : )

( Kind of, at least I see some small improvements )

As I already said, it is really difficult for me to simplify things or not to go into unnecessary details.

I am a tryhard and I will always be tryhard apparently...┐( ´ д ` )┌

Anyway, mastering simplicity is not about trying to do the least amount of work, it's about achieving quality without spending more time than necessary on it.

And what to do with the time saved...?

Obviously use it to draw more and better stuff...( ^▽^)ψ__

Yeah, the artist is pretty much just a slave of his own creative hunger.




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