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Damn! Those are a lovely pair of high-caliber shells that she has going on there...(❤ω❤)

So yeah...this was supposed to be...like a really fast job...(   ; ・_・)

Something just for fun I thought...

I even specially selected Maho as she has an easy to draw hairstyle and a nice figure.

(But don't get me wrong I'm a huge GUP fan and I really like Maho a lot)

But...oh boy...°°°

My mistake was selecting a top angle view...(ノ_<、)

(And the angle is not even that extreme I have to add)

The concept for the scene came to my mind very clearly and I immediately thought, yeah that looks interesting and easy to do...lol

The drawing right now looks acceptably nice for me, but I spent a monstrous amount of time making very tiny changes and readjusting things to make the foreshortening effect look more or less convincing.

Damn, I need to keep practicing my foreshortening a lot more...(    ⌣̀_⌣́)

Huh...Anyway, I hope you enjoy it...!

Thanks for the support.

Let's keep working hard...(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ




This angle is really great I love it!


Yeah, thanks...! I also think she looks nice...:D It's just that a drawing like this shouldn't take as long as I spend on it. But in any case I am happy to have been able to discover this weakness of me right now, that means that I can start working on improving it ASAP...!


Interesting angle. It's different and I like it. Not only of showing her nice body, but refreshing angle, not always the same.


O yea Girls und panzer. There are a lot of sexy waifu material like Kay from Sanders , Nona from Pravda , or with a new Spanish Blue division highschool El - the sexy Spanish chick. Interesting anime , girls playing with big dic... I mean cannons


Yeah, I really want to start experimenting with more interesting and exotic angles...! At the moment I think my anatomy is good enough to be able to start thinking about modifying the points of view that I use for my drawings. I really think that a good foreshortening effect helps highlight any work...:D


I am also a huge GUP fan...! (Although I haven't seen the last movie yet so I need to get on with that) But in any case, you are very right, GUP is a field full of potential waifu material. Coincidentally Kai is coming next. But I also want to draw maybe Saori Takebe, Yuzu Koyama or Sasaki Akebi ... Damn, making a decision is so difficult...:_D But anyway, a lot of fun is to come that's for sure...!