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And finally we are back....!!!

Again...( U´ ▽ ` ) ° ° °

I'm really sorry for being late again...(シ_ _)シ

Not surprisingly at all after coming back from running rampant through the streets during my vacations a lot of work and other obligations were already piling up waiting for me.

Sorry again for this, but yeah, let's think that that last time was just a fake start or a drill.

This time it's 100% real, my return to work...!

(Unless this is also a drill)...┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌

Anyway, here is finally Ristarte, she is a total goddess....(❤ω❤)

 (Literally, that's all the information I have on her for now)

IMPORTANT►►► BTW, I will extend this free fanart event until the next month...!

I feel like I can still squeeze 2 or 3 more girls this month but that would not be enough at all to do justice to your fantastic suggestions.

So yeah, the party continues...!

Sorry, I mean work, work continues...(ノ*°▽°*) *heh*

See you for the next one.

Take care...!




Hmmm,maybe you should also trow goddess of war in your schedule. She have some amazing boinkers


Turned out great 😍 Cant wait to see who you choose next


Cool to know that you liked it...:D It was really fun work...!


Lots of things show up when I search for that name. The only one related to Cautious Hero is Adenela and she doesn't seem to have that much going in the "hot body" department. She still is cute, though...¯\_(ツ)_/¯




My work is done...(⌐■_■)✧ *Walks towards the horizon*