Ristarte // Cautious Hero ( Pack x 02 Ver. ) (Patreon)
And finally we are back....!!!
Again...( U´ ▽ ` ) ° ° °
I'm really sorry for being late again...(シ_ _)シ
Not surprisingly at all after coming back from running rampant through the streets during my vacations a lot of work and other obligations were already piling up waiting for me.
Sorry again for this, but yeah, let's think that that last time was just a fake start or a drill.
This time it's 100% real, my return to work...!
(Unless this is also a drill)...┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌
Anyway, here is finally Ristarte, she is a total goddess....(❤ω❤)
(Literally, that's all the information I have on her for now)
IMPORTANT►►► BTW, I will extend this free fanart event until the next month...!
I feel like I can still squeeze 2 or 3 more girls this month but that would not be enough at all to do justice to your fantastic suggestions.
So yeah, the party continues...!
Sorry, I mean work, work continues...(ノ*°▽°*) *heh*
See you for the next one.
Take care...!