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Ok, nobody panics...\(º □ º l|l)/

Patreon is not yet forcing us to censor the naughty bits with mosaics.

(Although I do not doubt that they would love the idea)...(¬_¬;)

No, the fact is that for some time I have been posting my work on sites like Pixiv and Fanbox (both Japanese platforms). Like some of you, the more cultured gentlemen will know, Japan has some pretty weird censorship laws.

But even with all this I consider that they have a better system than we in the west have...!

I would like to tell you that we have the superior system since we can see all the genitalia in super HD that we could wish for, but the truth is that creative freedom is vastly greater in the country of the rising sun.

►►►   Uncensored genitalia, censored ideas.

►►►   Censored genitalia, uncensored ideas.

A fair trade off...?

Maybe, maybe not...┐( ´ д ` )┌

But if anime and manga are taking over the popular culture market, this must be due to something...

And what could that be...¯\_(ツ)_/¯???



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