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Hey People...( ・ω・)ノ

I don't remember if we have had this conversation before but, if you ask me if I am more of a "boobs person" or  a "butts person", I will answer that I find myself more often focused on the precentation.

Like a good chef in a fancy restaurant, I enjoy a lot of how the goods are displayed over the plate...ヽ(´ー` )┌

It's not just about having them up front and very well exposed, it's about properly displaying them and framing them with the appropriate outfits and accessories.

Like right now, if I had to choose between any of these two girls I'd be in a big pinch...ρ(- ω -、)

This is not the kind of dilemmas that can be solved with the flip of a coin.

This requires real deliberation and decision making...ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)




I love it, it's super coral.


Oh no...! We're really going to make the word "coral" retroactively cool...XDDD