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Damn, Kuromorimine's uniform sure does wonders for hiding the reliefs on Erika's body. You would never imagine that she is the carrier of such a magnificent pair of top guns.

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Now I wonder how she gets through the commander's hatch...?

BTW, if any of you are wondering, what do I find so fascinating about enhancing the chest size of these girls in my drawings? I would say that it is not only a matter of volume and size but also the feeling of "inadequacy".

Something like ... wow, those shouldn't be there and they shouldn't be that big either...!

(  •  )(  •  )ԅ(°△°ԅ)!

I think this is one of those really subtle or much more esoteric fetishes...

Speaking purely within the borders of the realm of fiction, girls with big breasts are used to living and dealing with the virtues and challenges of carrying such a heavy load upon their shoulders.

Now if for just a moment within the duration of a single frame, you stick such a large pair of breasts onto a girl who canonically has a much more modest size you are suddenly forcing all the emotions and learning experiences of living with such a well endowed body in a girl totally unprepared for it.

If you are following me here, and I am quite sure that most of you have no idea what the hell I am babbling about, here is the extract of the situation...!

Girl with no big boobs suddenly gets big boobs creating a feeling of inadequacy in her, I derive my pleasure almost purely from the  voyeuristic dynamic of seeing something that should not have been seen.

BTW, all this meaning is totally lost in people who have no context about the girls in question, for them this is just another girl with a really nice pair of BIG bazongas.

Which in my opinion is still really pretty good...(* ̄▽ ̄)b




If life was an anime, your explanation as a speech would bring every straight male in the room to tears. Well written xD


Hey thanks, here I am just trying to put words to a rather subtle and fleeting idea...:D Inspired by the greatest speech in all of anime history...! ►►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qLYAFdddPw