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What do you think is beter...?

► Normal-looking dudes.

► Muscular Chad-like dudes.

► Ugly bastards. (See ugly bastard meme)

I know that no one really pays attention to the guys when it's time to "appreciate" some good hentai, but the truth is that when you start to dig a little deeper into the intricate nuances of the hentai material that you are consuming this type of thing begins to jump to your attention frequently.

I, as almost always, really don't  have too much judgment or high standards on this topic. As long as the girls in the scene are hot and the story is good enough, I really don't give too much importance to what kind of person the girl's partner is.

┐( ´ д ` )┌

On the other hand, I've heard many people say that they feel really put off by really hideous looking dudes. Others are really into projection, so if the main character doesn't look like them, they can't get into the material either.

I will not try to pass judgment on these kind of people who are really specific with this situation...

(´ー` )┌

I just think I'm lucky to have such low standards that it allows me to enjoy almost any kind of material without being concerned about who is putting the meat on the grill...





I'd say the "normal-looking dudes" is the most standard depiction, which will appeal to the widest range of audiences. If I had to pick one alternative though... I like femboys(for double the fun)


Very cool...! Femboys are really good too, although personally if I am going to draw a boy as cute as a girl then I prefer to take the yuri route. Otherwise futanari works for me too...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Femboys are the kind of characters that have a lot of weight in the development of the story, they are hardly background characters...