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So yeah, Nessa, very beautiful...(ノ´ з `)ノ♥

However, as usual I don't know anything about her since I'm not really up to date with the modern Pokemon franchise and stuff.

She seems to be a very sporty girl with a lot of energy, so I decided to go for a really dynamic pose. Lots of focus on the movement of her hair. (And some other parts)...

(¬‿¬ )✧

Just like last year during my previous training period I will be using a lot of images and photographs as reference material for my work.

So, jumps up and down in quality and consistency are to be expected...┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

So keep it in mind:

► If something looks too good to be true, it's because I am using references.

► If something looks kind of OK it's because I am using reference but still managed to screw the process.

► And if things still looks bad it's because I am not using nearly enough references...XDDD



Sal Emb

👏😍 Que bueno que la hiciste. Por referencias supongo que usas modelos con articulaciones.


Yeah, yo estoy usando los mismos modelos anatómicos que compre ase algún tiempo. Son de mucha ayuda cuando poses demasiado especificas son necesarias... 👍✨ ►►► https://www.patreon.com/posts/bought-some-52402825