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And we are back...(・∀・)ノ


Hope everyone had a great time, thanks for sticking around... 👍

So yeah, I took an extra couple of days so I could rest from my vacations...lol

Lots of plans and cool things coming up, but for today I wanted to chill and start things slowly. I decided that I wanted to work with a girl who was easy to draw, something nice but nothing too complex.

Drawing long hair is nice, but it's also a pain in the ass..._:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

So short hair and an outrageous body, who could it be...? 🤔

So Hana Uzaki has to be...!!!

Very cute but also kind of very anoying...(In a good way)

The anime in which she appears is funny and light-hearted, I enjoyed it a lot. But I must admit that what really kept me glued to it was the gravitational pull that those massive milkers exerted on me...(  •  )(  •  )ԅ( ̄﹃ ̄ԅ )

Not gona lie, I approve of lewd and overly sexualized character designs. Sometimes to excel you can just go the hard fansevice route. However by this I don't mean to say that I approve of being lazy and just throwing meat at the viewer. In this case Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! It doesn't feel cheap or lazy, it just uses a particularly "charming" character design to spice things up a bit.

The jokes still land well and the plot is easy to follow so adding some visual appeal is definitely a good artistic decision.

I infinitely appreciate and am grateful for this artistic decision...(ノ´ з `)ノ(   •   )(   •   )

A world were Uzaki-chan is even 1 mm less well endowed is a greyer world...!




that must be an old bikini :'3


Are you sure you don't want to " ImPrOvE" her ?


That's the bigger one she could get...┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌ They just don't make them in Uzaki size... 🍈🍈


Ugh...I hate that...and in general all the drama around anime, twitter and "fixing things". " ImPrOvE" ...XDDD Maybe I should have taken this post as an opportunity to talk about this. I have a thing or two to say about all of it...(´ー` )┌

Sal Emb

Sí que tiene dos razones de peso para ser atractiva. BTW no tengo idea de la trama de este anime, solo recuerdo que en su momento aparecieron discusiones inútiles sobre su cuerpo en twitter. Se les olvida que es un personaje de ficción.


El drama en Twitter no es para nada sano. Cuando tienes un sistema de prestigio basado en quejarse por cualquier cosa, alientas a las personas a encontrar defectos y problemas incluso donde no los hay. Uzaki-chan como un anime comico de vida cotidiana con algo de ecchi obtiene un 7/10 como calificasion. Uzaki-chan ella por su diseño de personaje se saca un 1( • )( • ) ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) No sobresale pero tampoco ofende...(´ー` )┌


One part of her design always stuck out to me. What's your opinion on fangs that are colored like the lip instead of as a tooth?


Now, you are asking the questions that really matter... 🤔 Hmmm...It is difficult, like everything...XD As a general rule, I prefer fangs that can be properly distinguished in the mouth. Not 100% realistic either but a simple dividing line makes for a more aesthetic appearance. Skin-colored fangs may look like that, some kind of lip malformation, but that's only if you look realy, really hard into things... Otherwise I think they are completely OK in some cases like chibi characters or comedic situations. Anime tends to simplify all body features so simplifying the shape of the mouth a bit more is just another step towards the same goal...¯\_(ツ)_/¯