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Hell yeah, the day has been saved...!!!

Peach on the beach is finally here.... 🍑👑✨

Absolute legend fought against everything to get this project done...!

I can't go into deep details, but the laptop of the guy who ordered the job was stolen from his car, sad but at least it wasn't anything serious or scary.

Second problem was that he, like most of us, never kept track of his social media passwords...😅

So he had to make a completely new account and contact me from it to follow up on the project...

I have to admit that I made things a little difficult for him since, you know, the internet is a weird place.

But after a lot of questions I was totally convinced that he is the right guy.

After all this circus the sketch was quickly approved and the job finished satisfactorily.

And they all lived happily ever after... 👍✨




OK, if THAT was a reason for this long silents from him , I totally understand. Let's hope the thief will be catch and they cut his nuts off for stealing someone's hentai


Amen to that... 🙏 I really have no reason to doubt him as this is something too random to lie about and there is no profit to be made... ┐( ´ д ` )┌ Luckily his laptop was mostly for school and work, so all the good stuff is safe on his desktop PC...!


I'm so happy this managed to get finished! And it turned out as good as I thought it would! That's crazy what happened to the client, but they are a giga-chad for getting in contact and continuing the commission.


Yeah, this was quite a trip.... 😅💦 For a moment I was really worried about the future of this project. I love Peach, so if a couple more days had passed I probably would have finished the drawing just for my own satisfaction...!