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Patreon backer Luke brings you this special episode all about creating elemental beings that aren't just earth, fire, air or water.

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Ken Hite did a full on Alchemy system for Trail of Cthulhu. What has he not done? I went a different route with alchemy in Fearful Symmetries describing the processes and outcomes in more general ways without making a full and complicated list of reagents, reactions and symbols. Mostly because it would a) have been too much for a game with four magical system and b) too much work. So my system is more abstracted and it's up to the players and Keeper to bring as much of the aesthetics as they fancy.

Luke Slater

Thank you! A recent D&D article describes humoral theory as 'like a Myers-Briggs test but with gunk.' Seems legit.


That is my normal preference, but I feel like the simple version facilitates more player-driven problem-solving.