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I mentioned it in an earlier episode, and listener Edwin King wanted to know more about it. It's got a cool name and old games are supposed to have lots of it: what is the Pathetic Aesthetic?

I don't have a good photo of a pathetic aesthetic, so enjoy this one of a Mimic. 

I recorded this one twice, so there may be a bonus episode of outtakes coming if any of it is usable. 

Here is a link to that blog post I was talking about: 




Great discussion! I started with 1E so maybe I’m biased but I much prefer the illustrations of the inept adventures in the early books to the later editions, something about them really stirs my imagination!


Hey! I logged in specifically to thank you for this episode. I'm pushing my gaming buddies to read it right now, because I think you've decoded something really powerful in the DNA of fantasy roleplaying, and I want them to gain the advantage of your ideas.


Thank you, although I'd hesitate to call them *my* ideas. Mostly I'm just summarising what others have said!