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It's here! The new season of Patron Deities begins with a special bonus episode -- available to everyone -- introducing the Cthulhu Mythos section and covering the first deity in the chapter: Cthulhu himself!



So, I take issue with the idea that Lovecraftian gods are inimical to D&D. If you check out some of the earliest weird fantasy - like the original Conan, for example - the cosmos STRONGLY resembles the Lovecraftian mythos. The idea of friendly humanistic gods doesn't come to dominate heroic fantasy until much later.


Another bit of D&D trivia re: Cthulhu and demons. If you dig really far down into the demonic hierarchy of the Forgotten Realms (which I did, at one point, for some reason that I can't remember), you discover that the big demons at the top (bottom?) are basically... Cthulhu! Basically, the demons are more comprehensible to humans because in order to make servants who could efficiently interact with the material world, the unknowable cosmic baddies had to make creatures that were fundamentally made of Realms Stuff. So, the other possibility is to make Cthulhu and his buddies the ultimate bosses of the demons.


I agree with that, of course, but I don't mean that Lovecraftian gods are difficult in sword and sorcery fiction -- I mean that they're difficult in Dungeons and Dragons.