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It is astonishing that I managed to get through this whole thing without mentioning that "tween" usually means something completely different. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.    



Hey, sorry I didn't give you this feedback earlier (I listen to your podcast while I'm driving, and often I think of something I want to comment on, but forget to by the time I've reached my destination) but I wanted to mention the two uses for the Tween that make it truly stand out as a fantastic monster. 1) When you are, for some reason, running a "solo adventure" for one of your players, and want to ramp up the drama of the event. 2) Don't put it on a player-- put it on the enemy. After all, ever good campaign requires the at least a few downturns, right?