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Bug men! Little dudes! As we approach the end of the Fiend Folio, the book is making sure none of its classic themes go unrepeated.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.       



I'm have a bad time trying to download this podcast today. I usually dump them onto my drive to listen to later but it just ain't playin ball today. tried from two different computers, two different operating systems, windows and linux, from two different browsers, firefox and chrome. still haven't had any luck. either gives me a html file to save or starts, runs slowly, and stops again half way through.


Hmm -- I am testing this out now! If there's a problem, I will reupload the episode and see if that makes any difference. In the meantime, try downloading it from the non-Patreon feed and see if that works? <a href="http://monsterman.libsyn.com/episode-144-xill-and-xvart" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://monsterman.libsyn.com/episode-144-xill-and-xvart</a>


It's possibly too late to read Garner. I tried the Owl Service a few years back but it really didn't grab me the way it probably would have when I was 12.