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"The things are also people" -- Patreon backer Luke Slater brings you this special episode all about monsters as player characters. 

 Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.    



Great episode! The Arduin Trilogy is another early work that referenced playing monster PCs, perhaps it is worth a look in a future episode. BTW I also really enjoyed your recent guest segment on The Grognard Files.

Andrew M. Reichart

A big thing that's shifted how I view "evil" monsters has been the idea that most human civilizations have been de facto Lawful Evil, despite their pretenses to the contrary. (This thought-experiment is part of my ongoing critique of the alignment system -- which I think is a pretty fundamentally flawed ethical model -- so I'm admittedly shifting the goalpoasts a bit from where the aforementioned pretenses place them.)

Andrew M. Reichart

The elevator pitch of my critique: LG is actually LN, and CG is actually CN, because if you embrace a principle that you may choose L or C over G, then... you're not G. And all other alignments -- aside from NG, which values G over all -- drop a notch too. I.e., LN = LE, imho.