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It's a special episode for all my Patrons -- I take a quick look at this monster book aimed at younger readers. 

 Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.    


Jesse Ross

This was a great episode, and I had been hoping that you'd talk about this series. I bought copies of the Monsters & Creatures and Warriors & Weapons books for my 7-year-old daughter as a way to introduce her to the game beyond the very slimmed down version of D&D I play with her. As an example of what it's doing for her imaginative brain: last night, she called me to her room after I put her to bed. She was up looking at the books, and ran across the beholder entry. She is still learning to read, so asked me to explain what one of the eyestalks' powers was. I told her it was the disintigration beam. She then asked me to hold on while she flipped through the other book until she found a certain image. It was a full-page illustration of a beholder blasting a warrior holding a shield. She excitedly explained that the shield was definitely going to be disintigrated because of which eyestalk it was. She then asked me to hold on a bit while she dug through the list of shields to figure out what type of shield the warrior was using! If nothing else, it's giving young readers a chance to immerse themselves in the world and spark their imaginations with fantasy adventures. For my daughter, specifically, it is already strengthening her desire to play more roleplaying games, which is certainly what Wizards is hoping for. Thanks again for the episode, James, and for all the other great audio you make!