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Patreon backer Andy brings you this episode about crafting recurring enemies! I feel like I only scratched the surface, so let's keep talking about it. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.     


David Azzageddi

Been doing a single-player campaign via Google Docs, and we've gone through Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. SPOILERS!!! Like, MASSIVE SPOILERS!!! So, as many will know, the campaign lets the DM choose one of four primary villains, and the rest will either not have much impact or just be kind of in the background. I chose the devil-worshiping rich couple because I liked how they loved their kids while still selling their kids' souls to get rich, and now, to get the kids' souls out of hock, they're going to kill a whole ton of OTHER kids--and the players have to figure out how to fix this so no innocent kids' souls go to Hell. Lots of great, complex motivation there. Meanwhile, the player crossed path with Jarlaxle, the charming pirate/politician/schemer/circus-ringmaster drow. And although the player (a woman playing in intersex tiefling) had already fallen in love with and was living with two other women, they fell in love with Jarlaxle too...and that developed in such an interesting direction, I went with it. Fortunately, they were only rivals for the blue jewel (the embezzled fortune) for a short time. Since the player & her friends were already planning to turn the treasure over to the city that it rightly belonged to, and since Jarlaxle was planning to give it to the city, too (in order to further his political schemes), they ended up on the same side. And when it came down to a fight with the WAY powerful devil worshippers, I let Jarlaxle fight them while the player rushed ahead to deal with challenges they could handle.


Say what you like about the coherency of the storyline, it has iconic villains.