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Patreon backer Cassandra brings you this bonus episode on the sinister Ilithids!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.        


George Dorn

More weirdness added by even later editions: Aboleths, which have ancestral memory going all the way back to the first ones, have no memory of mind flayers arriving, suggesting that either they're from the future, or perhaps they dominated the Aboleths aeons ago and psychically edited their memories for... reasons?

George Dorn

Also, I was unaware of the "mindflayers don't understand magic" element from earlier editions. 3.x kinda spoiled this by making mindflayers into sorcerers with a side note that their effects are actually psionic but work exactly the same way. The example leveled-up mindflayer even has class levels in sorcerer. WotC did fix some of this with the Psionic Handbook and the later Mindflayers of Thoon (from MMIV). Sadly, I introduced magic-using mindflayers ages ago in my campaign and missed out on this interesting bit of alien flavor until much later.


I never could get my head around psionics in AD&D. It seemed like an uneasy fit, a bit too science fiction-y. So the Mind Flayers never got a look-in in my campaign.


I agree, but in the case of Mind Flayers I feel like the uneasy fit helps with their whole feel. I think they can still work in later versions of the game, where it's all magic, but you have to play up the differences aesthetically.