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I have been thinking about getting in some more practice running online games. My plan would be to run Lorn Song of the Bachelor using Old School Essentials on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings (UK time). Roll20 + Discord. Sound good to anyone?


Andrew M. Reichart

I love this idea so much, but sadly can't make it at those times (greetings from lovely Berkeley, California). If there's a future game on a Saturday or Sunday, I'd be thrilled to join.


After this one ends, I might very well try to host another game in a different time slot, so stay tuned! It's a great way to work through all those modules I compulsively buy. Maybe I'll do Crypts of Indormancy next ...


Hating being in the US right now. I’d love to play in this. :(


Some of the players are in the US, although I admit it's not as convenient for them. Once this run is over, I might try a weekend time slot.