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Patreon backer Andrew brings you this bonus episode all about the spookiest monster!

Here's the scenario I mentioned in the episode: https://www.wistedt.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-Haunted-Cloister.pdf

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.          



I enjoyed that, especially the alternate uses for ghosts. I've had a few of them in my folkloric Trail of Cthulhu campaign. There's an Aethyr which is inhabited by the ghosts of people you have killed. The players haven't been brave enough to confront them (they are quite a lot of them by now) and so can't pass through it to its deeper mysteries.


Having to confront all the people you've killed is one of the best bits of Walt Simonson's iconic run on Thor, too.

Andrew M. Reichart

Loved this! The stuff you might have thought of as "stating the obvious" is still really helpful to have articulated. And your alternative uses for ghosts are fantastic.