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We close out Monster Manual II just like we started it -- with a weird little bear and some fungus. OK, that might not be exactly how we started, but it's not dissimilar. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.         



Also loved the Drogon magazine episode.


Maybe Call Of Cthulhu monsters once you are done with D&D?


Maybe! If that's the case, I'd make the new seasons shorter -- I am a big fan of Call, but its monster bench is actually not as interesting after a certain point. It's got some absolute classics and then it sort of trails off.


I have a stack of those standing by, just waiting for the chance to record them. Indeed, I have one I've recorded but not edited, so hopefully that should be out shortly.