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What's the difference between a gonzo nonsense-monster and an enduring icon of D&D? It's all in ... well, you get it. Patreon backer Robert brings you this special episode all about the dread Eye Tyrant!

Today's special guest reader is Tom McGrenery, co-host of Fear of a Black Dragon and proprietor of Porcupine Publishing!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.            



Thanks, James! I loved the episode, especially the suggestion that the different variants of beholders presented over the years can be treated as templates for different *individual* beholders, rather than different races of beholders. That little change goes a long way towards making them work for me. Beholders always make me think about two things. The first is Beholder 2020, the one-shot that Ted ran at Baycon back in the early 00s (I wish I'd been able to play, but you know that con wasn't really my scene), and the second is that when I was coming up as a young gamer in AD&D, the appearance of a beholder in game meant one thing... it meant that your DM wanted to kill you. Gaming has changed a lot since then, and it's interesting to think about whether or not the beholder has changed with it. I am not at all surprised that Allison would be interested in knowing that beholders puke up pellets like owls. :D


I can't believe I went this whole episode without mentioning Beholder 2020!