Barrier Peaks Songbook (Patreon)
Thanks to the generosity of Levi Nunez, I have some digital copies of the Loot the Body album Barrier Peaks Songbook to give away. Patreon doesn't like raffles or other random selections -- too much like gambling, I suppose -- and I hate having to judge things. Instead, let's talk gaming nonsense, which we enjoy doing anyway.
My question is: Barrier Peaks Songbook is obviously inspired by prog-rock, early metal, that kind of thing. And a lot of other RPGs (Mork Borg being the obvious example) are very metal-driven. What musical genre should there be more of in gaming and why?
(And why is it hip-hop?)
I'll get some other poor devil to pick their favourite response and send the winner a digital copy of the album. I'll do another post with a different challenge later on in the day so that my non-UK listeners can also get a fair crack at it!