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Patreon backer David brings you this special episode all about what happens when the real monster ... is man. No, wait! Swords. The real monster is swords. 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



Great show. Kicks open a whole discussion of Artificial Intelligence generally in gaming. The same considerations of the creation and motivation of intelligence weapons would apply to any sentient but not "living" NPCs: robots, constructs, sentient wishing wells, intelligent steeds and familiars, etc. As was brought out in the Solo stand alone Star Wars movie, it's hard not to think of sentient droids as "slaves" in some manner, and a sentient sword with agency and motivations might actually be hostile to its wielder. ("I didn't ask to be forged!!"). A character who acquires a magic sword which makes him unbeatable.. but is intelligent and just wants to be "freed" from its steel prison creates a great moral dilemma. Do you choose to respect the sentience and agency of the sword, or simply disregard its wishes and exploit its benefits. Make the players twist in their seats a little bit.


A truly intelligent weapon would be pretty limited by its physical form; if all you are is a blade, every problem seems to suggest one solution. Alternatively, if you want something more than just to cut throats, you might need to forge a partnership with someone who has thumbs and a bank account!


I'm delighted by the timing of this topic, since just a few weeks ago, the swashbuckler I've been playing in Descent Into Avernus allied with a sentient weapon called The Captain's Sword. It's one of the most exciting experiences I've had in D&D as a player. XD