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Patreon backer Steenstrupian asked me to look at the game applications of the Surrealist art exercise known as the "exquisite corpse," so that's what I did!

Exquisite corpses at MOMA! 

Exquisite corpses at the Tate! 

The exquisite corpse I discuss near the end! 

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



Slightly more on the nose, I used an exquisite corpse to start two different games of Dreamhounds of Paris. We all joined in for the exquisite corpse and then I used it as an inspiration for what happened in the game. You can see one of them here: https://site.pelgranepress.com/index.php/starting-to-dream-improvised-dreamhounds-of-paris/


Just leaving this here... https://youtu.be/TN1wHqkTAyo