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Monsters, James? Is that appropriate for the deities podcast? Ask Jim Ward. 


Elias Helfer

Anyway, I've really enjoyed this series. It's been so interesting learning about Hawaiian culture and belief. Looking forward to more. I think the idea of having more sacred places in your world is good. I'm envisioning a small deck of things that can be added to an area. For your wrap-up, I would love a short reading guide or bibliography so I can read up on it, if it's not too much of a hassle.


I think the Old World has a very magically active landscape. We were in Lincoln last week with its Imp and Angels. You have no end of shucks and other nasty things in the Fens. I get the feeling that such story existed before, but without the Catholic Christian gloss they now have (even though we're all culturally protestant now in the UK).


Perhaps; it's hard to say. If you look at the landscape of Greek myth, I feel like the divine is present. And certainly I don't think people think of the British landscape like that today, especially people who aren't specifically into folklore.