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Thank you, patrons, for your continued support! Please enjoy this bonus episode about what I have been doing in August. 

Get your US copies of the Pamphlet here and the Magonium Mine Murders here. In the UK? Get your physical copies of the Pamphlet of Pantheons, the Magonium Mine Murders, or both direct from me. Looking for digital copies? Find them on Itch or on Drivethru.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



I enjoyed running a Truth & Justice campaign, set in a dour England where Forever Man had just been assassinated and Heroes were regulated by Acts of Parliament. Not quite Alan Moore, but then who is? It suffers a bit from "Punch in the Ennui" but I soft pedalled that to avoid being overrun with relationship issues.


The best old school, simple superhero game for my money Marvels Super Heroes. Even though it is a Licensed property, I've had plenty of success running homebrewed settings The system lends a Marvel "flavor", but honestly that's the flavor I'm looking for.


It's a game I know and love, but I don't know that I would necessarily call it simple. Perhaps if I were to reread it, I would find it less confusing than I did when I was younger. I played in a campaign about 10 years ago, but there I just knew what my stuff did. But sadly I think MSH won't quite work for my purposes ... unless there's a retroclone somewhere like there is for DC Heroes?