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Patreon backer Luke brings you this special episode all about keeping your unique monsters ... well ... unique!

To be honest with you, I kind of forgot I had already done an episode on unique monsters, so this one repeats some basics at the very beginning, but I think they're quite different overall.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


Luke Slater

There's probably a deep irony in my requesting this without remembering you'd done a unique monsters episode already.

Luke Slater

Visually, I have a new tool for creating unique monsters, which is to ask my daughter to draw one. This was the source for the Medusa Turtle - turtle-like, beaked head and three tails, one fish tail and two snakes, which also provide motive power on land - and the Ice Rose - it's like a cat, but its paws are ice.