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Joe Lewis, author of Nightmare over Ragged Hollow (now on Kickstarter), joins me to talk mummies!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



The audio is fine. It was a bit better when Joe was doing a longer piece then when you were talking back and forth but I'd very happily listen to more content with this quality. Especially if it means less work for you.


Yeah, it's not perfect, but I'm glad people seem to be OK with it. Syncing two recordings -- assuming you get good quality in the first place -- is just very time-consuming, and it's one of the things that puts me off doing more MFM shows. I do have a couple lined up for the near future, though!


Happy with the sound. More discussions for less effort sounds like a great plan!