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Patreon backer Patrick brings you this special episode all about the monsters that get in your way!

Get your digital copies of the Guide to Grunts here and your US print copies here!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.



But I do have ghosts and other guardians for nodes of power in my Trail of Cthulhu campaign Fearful Symmetries, and these are very much folklore influenced, and indeed, there's a couple of spooks at a crossroads which might require some dealing with should the PCs want to ritual access the node. But then I used a folktale as my source for what happens.

James Baillie

This was really interesting :) I wonder if there's something further to be said about the quests popping up in games more recently that make the bridge troll a sympathetic guardian and a "just doing a job" character - Pratchett's Troll Bridge being possibly the original example but I've seen quests in computer RPGs that riff on that (there's one in the Witcher 2 I think).