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I have decided I am not starting Carthaginians until I get back, so I need a few more one-shots for Patron Deities. All requests welcome!



What about the monster deities series that was happening at one point? I feel like the new era of "this is bad, so let's give it a makeover" could be a huge benefit to some of what's wrong with the way AD&D did monster deities...


That's an interesting idea. I dismissed a lot of those deities, but maybe all they needed was a second chance ...


Does Arioch ever get particularly described? It has been a long time since I read any Elric.

Dan Connolly

Bit late but a thought I had today: Divine Realms/Homes of the Gods. Thinking especially when it’s a physical location (eg that mountain/volcano/cave over there)


Not sure if you are still taking requests James but would be interesting to hear your thoughts on how to use artifacts of the gods, like Thors Hammer or maybe more interestingly something like the rope that Odin hung himself with. Items like The Wand of Orcus and Mace of Cuthbert have a pretty long history in D&D but I can’t say I’ve ever used them


I think the schedule is currently full, but I really like the idea of doing these between seasons, so I will just come back next time and take a look at what people have suggested here!